I Bid You All Adieu
I continued my passion and reached out to some like-minded individuals and started this blog, Speculative Book Review, over the years people came and went as life got in the way, as it often tends to do.
This week's New York Times Bestsellers (March 2nd)
In hardcover:
Rebecca Yarros' *Onyx Storm* maintains its position at number 1. For more
info about this title, follow this Amazon Associate link.
SPFBO Finalist Review: The Tenacious Tale of Tanna the Tendersword by Dewey
Conway & Bill Adams
*Bill*: When not writing, Bill is a product manager for a company that
tests food using analytical chemistry and microbiology. B...
Terry Brooks announces semi-retirement from writing
Fantasy author Terry Brooks has announced that he is "semi-retiring" from
writing at the age of 81. His *Shannara* setting will continue to be
explored thr...
Three Bird Poems
SHADED ECHOES North-eastern Australia In the great dark knowledge of the
forest, life runs subtly like a reminiscence. The cassowary guarding his
bright gr...
Top 10 Stand-Alone Books of ALL Time (Another Definitive List of Certainty!)
I kind of went to town recently on top 10 lists, but I love making them so
I'll probably keep doing it. Here's the Top 10 Stand-Alone Books for
Why Glass Pool Fences Are a Smart Buy for Homeowners You need a fence around your in-ground pool for safety, but if you’re not careful it can ruin the look of your pool area. Typical metal fences are fine, bu...
Why Glass Pool Fences Are a Smart Buy for Homeowners You need a fence around your in-ground pool for safety, but if you’re not careful it can ruin the look of your pool area. Typical metal fences are fine, bu...
Hello world! WordPress へようこそ。これは最初の投稿です。編集もしくは削除してブログを始めてください !
Tendrils of Darkness — Epilogue Epilogue With No Man’s Land finally behind them, Pa’hu let out a long whoop of elation from deep within his gut. This was echoed by more than fifty thous...
FAREWELL Dear Readers, all things come to an end. I miss the energy and the time to continue my blog. Despite all the development in the digital world, I have to wor...
Book Review | Strange Weather by Joe Hill
*One autumnal day in Boulder, Colorado, the clouds open up in a downpour of
nails, splinters of bright crystal that tear apart anyone who isn't safely
Audiobook(s) Review: Star Wars Aftermath Trilogy
I am a child of the 1980s and 1990s, and like many, the first movie I
remember seeing is *Star Wars: A New Hope*. I was that kid wore my VHS
copies of tho...
Books Read: March 2017 Now that another month has come and gone, let's take a look at the books I read last month. 1. Empire Games, by Charles Stross 2. Greedy Pigs, by Matt Wall...
News from the Spanish speculative fiction
*“The Best of Spanish Steampunk”*, an anthology edited and translated by
*Marian* & *James Womack*, took a first step in bringing some of the modern
Test Post - Please Ignore Test
So long, and thanks for all the books It is with an equal helping of bittersweet melancholy and bright-eyed excitement that I am announcing the closure of A Dribble of Ink today. A Dribble of...
Style Pakaian Gaun Modern Terbaru untuk Wanita
*Style Pakaian Gaun Modern Terbaru untuk Wanita - *Model baju seperti gaun
wanita merupakan jenis pakaian yang banyak sekali diminati oleh para
Cover Unveil for Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
Whenever Neal Stephenson comes out with a new novel it becomes a major
event and his latest *Seveneves *sounds like the Space Opera we always knew
he c...
Saying Goodbye to The Malazan Book of the Fallen
For the last four years of so, I have been working away on Tor.com as a
re-reader for the Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. This was
the year...
Grimdark Reader Best of 2014
This was at once a great year for fantasy and a not so great year. In terms
of quantity, not so great. I have 11 books to choose from that I really
The Broken Eye
War. Revenge. Intrigue. Secrets. Magic. Everything you love about Brent
Weeks' Lightbringer Series continues in THE BROKEN EYE.
This is what you've been ...
ALS, My Mum and My Ice Bucket Challenge I know some of you find the Ice Bucket Challenge silly or childish. A part of me could probably have done so only if my mother weren't suffering from ALS. ...
Book Haul - Making Up For Lost Posts
I've neglected my Book Hauls for quite some time so I figured I'd collect
as many as I could find and post them all in one. I like to keep track of
my book...
Redirect to robbedford.blogspot.com I've changed the URL of my blog to *robbedford.blogspot.com* This page is a placeholder, please change your links from blogorob.blogspot.com to robbedford...
The End Alright, I'm gonna get right to the point, this is the last Battle Hymns post. An end for the blog has been on my mind for a while now, and it's time to m...
The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks
*The Blinding Knife* is the second entry in Brent Weeks’ Lightbringer
series which began with *The Black Prism* two years ago, in August 2010.
Having set o...
Bookworm Blues has MOVED *I've moved. I'll no longer be using blogger to review/update posts and etc. You can find me on my own website at bookwormblues.net - Please update all of ...
Quick Take - Sacred Hunt, by Michelle West
I have recently finished both *The Hunter's Oath* and *The Hunter's Death*,
by Michelle (Sagara) West. I had been meaning to read them for some time,
but h...
Thaler and Sunstein’s Nudge Nudge Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein In my final year of law school, Nudge was the book that was under every policy wonk’s arm. It’s not surprising that ...
Press Release: Anarchy Books *ANARCHY BOOKS PRESS RELEASE* *Saturday 19th November* is a date for your diaries, with Anarchy Books releasing not one wholesome SF novel, but two! First...
The Next Chapter Ahh, you know how a few days turns into a few months here on the internet. I've always hated moving, and yet, this move has been fantastic for me. It allo...
An Official Farewell I did try to write the remaining reviews that I owe people here and I failed due to other pressing deadlines. My interest to supply this blog with content ...
A parting, of sorts
*"Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end
of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not