After a long contemplation over my family's vacation overseas, I thought long and hard about whether I had the strength and energy to continue reviewing books weekly. When I started reviewing books on my own blog, State of Review, I did it as a way to keep track of what I was reading and my initial thoughts on the books. Over time the audience grew. It was never my intention but it did allow me to meet and become friends with fellow book lovers and reviewers, which I am proud to say are a great bunch of guys and gals.

I continued my passion and reached out to some like-minded individuals and started this blog, Speculative Book Review, over the years people came and went as life got in the way, as it often tends to do.

The Green Angel Tower by Tad Williams

Publishing information: Paperback; 1104pgs

Publisher: Daw; 3 May 2005

ISBN: 978-0756402983

Series: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn 3

Copy: From Publisher

Reviewer: Tyson


Synopsis: "The evil minions of the undead Sithi Storm King are beginning their final preparations for the kingdom-shattering culmination of their dark sorceries, drawing King Elias ever deeper into their nightmarish, spell-spun world.

Shadow and Claw by Gene Wolfe

Publishing information: Paperback; 419pgs

Publisher: Orb Books; 15 Oct 1994

ISBN: 9780312890179

Series: The Book of the New Sun 1 & 2

Copy: Out of Pocket

Reviewer: Tyson


Synopsis: "The Book of the New Sun is unanimously acclaimed as Gene Wolfe's most remarkable work, hailed as "a masterpiece of science fantasy comparable in importance to the major works of Tolkien and Lewis" by Publishers Weekly, and "one of the most ambitious works of speculative fic

A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden

Publishing information: Hardback; 320pgs

Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books; 20 June 2017

ISBN: 9780312372941

Possible series

Copy: Provided by publisher

Reviewer: Tyson


Synopsis: "To the Danes, he is skraelingr; to the English, he is orcneas; to the Irish, he is fomoraig. He is Corpse-maker and Life-quencher, the Bringer of Night, the Son of the Wolf and Brother of the Serpent.

The stellar debut of Nicholas Eames, Kings of the Wyld, has been very popular since its publication earlier this year. Tyson and I loved it (here's Tyson's review, and here's mine).

Orbit recently revealed the cover of the much anticipated follow up, Bloody Rose. It is another great cover by the amazing Richard Anderson: 

Live fast, die young.  Tam Hashford has always dreamed of living through glory days of her own.

Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald

Publishing information: Paperback; 398pgs

Publisher: Tor Books; 22 Sept 2015

ISBN: 9780765375513

Series: Luna #1

Copy: Out of Pocket

Reviewer: Tyson

Synopsis: "The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations-the Five Dragons-in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society.

The Death of Dulgath by Michael J Sullivan

Publishing Information: Paperback; 448 pgs

Publisher: Riyria Enterprises; 1 Dec 2015

ISBN: 9781943363001

Series: Riyria Chronicles #3

Copy: Kickstarter out of pocket

Reviewer: Tyson

Synopsis: "Three times they tried to kill her. Then a professional was hired. So was Riyria.

When the last member of the oldest noble family in Avryn is targeted for assassination, Riyria is hired to foil the plot.

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Publishing Information: Kindle; 464 pgs

Publisher: Spectra; 5 Nov 2002


Series: The Farseer Trilogy #1

Copy: Out of Pocket

Reviewer: Tyson

Synopsis: "Young Fitz is the bastard son of the noble Prince Chivalry, raised in the shadow of the royal court by his father's gruff stableman. He is treated like an outcast by all the royalty except the devious King Shrewd, who has him sectetly tutored in the arts of the assassin.

Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry

Publishing Information: Paperback; 292 pgs

Publisher: Berkley Books; 4 July 2017

ISBN: 9780399584022


Copy: Out of Pocket

Reviewer: Tyson

Synopsis: "From the national bestselling author of Alice comes a familiar story with a dark hook—a tale about Peter Pan and the friend who became his nemesis, a nemesis who may not be the blackhearted villain Peter says he is…

There is one version of my story that everyone knows.

Star Wars: Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden

Publishing Information: Hardback; 307 pgs

Publisher: Del Ray; 25 July 2017

ISBN: 9781524796808


Copy: Out of Pocket

Reviewer: Tyson

Synopsis: "The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad.

After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the resulting destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive.
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